Why should networking be facilitated? From nEtworking to nOtworking

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Events bring people together, to meet professionals from other sectors or from your own field, meetings with the aim of finding clients, alliances... but, if you have participated in a few, you will have noticed the difference. The big difference.


Mucha gente que ha asistido a las sesiones de networking de Art for Life me cuenta que se ha sentido bien mientras que, en otros eventos, la sensación ha sido de «oh, glups, no conozco a nadie, ¿por dónde empezar?». Esto suele derivar en acumular tarjetas de personas desconocidas en lugar de explorar todo el potencial que puede desplegarse cuando dos profesionales establecen una relación de confianza.


When I facilitate events to expand networking and synergy-seeking sessions, I have a clear objective. The main thing is to help the group to cohere quickly and smoothly, and to generate an atmosphere of trust with contrasted dynamics, so that people feel comfortable. In this way, each person comes into contact with significant profiles that interest him or her, because there is an open-mindedness brought about by the context, and with whom he or she establishes a professional bond in a relaxed atmosphere.


You never know when you might need a contact. Perhaps now is not the ideal moment, but next year, when a larger or more unusual project comes your way, you will need not only to contact that person, but even to carry it out with the certainty that the moment you met is a positive memory. This is how good connections are made, with the ingredients that favor knowing the other person's way of thinking and potential.


Es lo que yo llamo el «not-working», cuando trabajas de forma eficiente pero disfrutas tanto que parece que estás de ocio. 


Only by generating spaces of trust can we create the optimal environment to move forward in common projects. We do business with people we have detected as interesting and in whom we see the possibility of trusting.

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