Innovative Entrepreneurship Program
Innovative Entrepreneurship Program
The majority of the people who want to be entrepreneurs, and are trained for it, go through a course that talks about the pure and simple business model. Few programs work on the skills of entrepreneurs. And even fewer do so in an experiential way, so that those who participate grow from the inside.
In turn, the most innovative profiles do not fit this traditional mold and often exclude themselves or do not take advantage of the training, because they need more experiential and innovative spaces, based on learning by doing. Soft skills are key.
As you know, entrepreneurship is a path of learning and growth, in which personal skills or the lack of them can be determinant. And those skills must be trained.
Because entrepreneurship is a profound decision in the life trajectory. And as such requires choosing a business model suited to your personality and way of doing things. At the same time, it must be based on real market needs in order to be economically sustainable. That is why it is so important to know yourself and work on your fears, to bring to light the potentialities that help to overcome difficulties and adapt to changing circumstances.
A program in collaboration with Kultiba
This program has been created and implemented by Kultiba and Art for Life and has been running for several editions in different municipalities of the Basque Country that want to bet on entrepreneurship focused on the development of skills. Getxo, Oarsoaldea, are some of them.
It has become a pioneering program for the way it works, a reference initiative for others that came later, an innovative entrepreneurship program focused on two intertwined spheres: self-knowledge, professional and entrepreneurial skills, while exploring the 360º of the company from practice. It works through individual and group dynamics in order to build a strong network in a space of trust.
The itinerary, with comments from the participants.
Needs detected by the entrepreneurship areas of municipalities:
Strengthen entrepreneurship aimed at strategic areas for the municipality, such as creative and cultural industries.
The need to work in the previous stages of entrepreneurship to improve the starting point of those who wish to undertake, to work not only the business idea but everything that will drive the company once launched. Because the business plan is a necessary basis but then the reality is complex and changing.
The project:
The cooperative company Kultiba together with Art for Life designs and carries out the project, also counting on other specialized professional profiles, with the objective of giving attention to the specific needs of the program.
Art for Life designs the process and carries out the pedagogical and content coordination, in addition to establishing the learning methodology: It facilitates learning sessions based on experience.
For five months, participants receive transformative training and move forward with their company. Although the calendar can be adapted to the needs of each entity.
Do you want to launch a program that works on entrepreneurship from a transformative perspective?
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